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Sunday, May 3, 2015

What is Ahead

I am now about 5 months from the big race.  That means it is truly time to buckle down, keep my feet moving forward, and really get the message out there.  I will run this race for the oceans of our planet and the beings that call those oceans home.  I will run for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, so that, through donations, I can help them with all of their wonderful campaigns.  I will run 26.2 miles as a testament to the amazing things that people can do with motivation, dedication, and (most of all) a strong support system to be there along the way!

In the meantime, I have a couple of great events coming up.   I will be giving a presentation about Sea Shepherd and the simple things anyone can do to save our oceans at the V-Learning Community.  If you are interested (and I know you are) sign up here:

The event will feature a talk, some share time and activities, and 'sea' themed snacks.  Sophie's Kitchen has been kind enough to donate to the event!  Spaces are limited to please sign up soon if you are interested.

Next up, on June 6 from 11:00 to 3:00, is the Annual Vegetarian Food Festival, put on by the wonderful Maine Animal Coalition.  I will have a Sea Shepherd table at this event.  There will be lots of snacks, a screening of Cowspiracy, and talks and overall veg amazingness.  Check out the details on their VegFest page!

I am working on some pretty great raffle bags so you want to come check this event out and put your name in! Also, I will be handing out body care samples courtesy of Seaweed Bath Co. And, once again, some goodies from Sophie's Kitchen.

 This date also coincides with a worldwide event called Empty the Tanks, which seeks to get cetaceans out of captivity.  I am happy that I will be able to talk about that movement on the day that amazing people are organizing all over the world.  I feel so fortunate that I am finding a whole new community of people who are part of this important movement.

I will add more in between but the big event is the Maine Marathon.  I am hoping I can get a huge support system of folks willing to cheer me on holding Sea Shepherd themed signs!  We could get this message out to all of those runners!!!  So, drop me a line if you are in!!!

Lastly, I am hoping all of this will spark enough interest for me to begin a Maine Sea Shepherd chapter.  Once again, contact me and we can talk if you feel as compelled as I do to save these magnificent creatures and the waters where they dwell.

(p.s.- A Vegan Variety You Tube series just may be in the works!  Big thanks to the amazing Deb Muhlberg and her nurse knowledge.  More to come)