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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Dumb Things People Say

I was reading an article online about the dumb things people say to runners when they aren't runners themselves.  It was amusing and spot-on.  I started thinking about what people say in general, to undermine any population they are not part of.  Some of it is ignorance.  Some of it is because they somehow feel threatened by change.  I think people have a desire, deep down, to do good in the world and when they see someone else setting an example, they feel guilt for not doing more.  Rather than change, they try to justify their lifestyle by negativity.  I have chosen my top favorites of dumb things people say in 3 categories with commentary:

Dumb things People Say to Runners
-It isn't good for your knees-
Anyone I have known with bad knees has been a couch potato with extra pounds.  Running can shed extra pounds and is weight bearing activity, which is actually good for the bones.  I have seen 80 year old ladies running races.  Their knees seem fine.  You know what will give you bad knees:  squatting improperly with inappropriate weight. 
-You don't have the build of a runner
Someone actually said this to me.  And I actually didn't punch him in the face!  Yes, professional runners often have a similar build that is low in body fat.  This is because they dedicate their lives to the sport.  Any sort of body can run.  I am short and stout, therefore I can endure.  Any body can run and what impresses me most are people who aren't deterred by the stereotype!   Take Mirna Valerio for instance:
Never tell someone they don't have the build to run.  It is rude and false.   
-Running is boring
Running is not boring.  It is hard.  I don't think of challenging things as boring.  It can be meditative.  It can be mind opening.  Some of my best ideas have come while running.  You can run alone or with friends.  You can run trails or roads or mountains.  You can see a lot of beautiful scenery and discover new towns while you travel.  You can run races or race yourself.  And don't tell runners it is boring because obviously they don't think so.  I think sitting on the couch is boring.  

Dumb things People Say to Vegans
-Animals were put on earth for us to eat
Oh, were they?  And who told you that, God?  If you talk to God, maybe you should do more good than you are doing!  Oh, you don't talk to God?  Did the animals tell you?  They said, I really want you to raise me in misery, kill me prematurely, and consume me so that your chances of many diseases become greater?  Ok, cool then.
-How do you get your protein?
I get me protein my blending up 5 blocks of tofu a a tub of peanut butter a day and knocking it back.  Seriously?  Have you heard of veggies and grains?  News flash- they have protein
-I was vegan but my health suffered/ I had to listen to my body
This one really chaps my ass.  If you eat a CLEAN, plant-based diet you will be healthier.  If you eat fries and tofu dogs, you will not be healthier.  A diet of any sort takes planning and common sense.  Let me say that again- COMMON SENSE!
-A vegan diet is too expensive
Do a little comparison shopping.  Veggies, bulk grains, beans and legumes.  Then go price out the cheeses, the meats, the fish.  Which is cheaper?  Hmmmm....  And, by the way, cholesterol meds cost quite a bit and so do heart attacks. 
-I only eat humanely raised meat
  I only eat unicorn meat.  Unicorn meat?  But that doesn't exist?!  Exactly!

Dumb things People Say about Conservation
-I am one person.  I can't make a difference.
Imagine all of the horror in the world that would have continued if we all adopt this attitude.  Genocide, slavery, burning of witches.  There are a million things one person can do to make an environmental difference.  One of the biggest impacts being a vegan diet (see above).  Reuse shit.  Don't use unnecessary plastic.  Walk or ride a bike.  Volunteer.  Compost.  Recycle.  
-Science will fix the mess we are in
This 'let someone else figure it out' method is a really cowardly method of living.  What if science can't figure it out?  Why not free up those brilliant minds for solving other problems, like cancer and how to feed the starving babies of the world and how to end war.  
-Climate change is not real
(Warning: profanity to follow) Just shut the fuck up and take your head out of your asshole! 
-There are plenty of fish in the sea 
It is so untrue it makes my heart ache to think about.  Yes, the ocean is vast.  Yes, we don't have to look at most of it so it is easier to ignore it.  Sylvia Earle, a brilliant steward for the oceans, has watched species literally disappear in her lifetime.

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