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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Happy Earth Month and some of my Favorites

                                           Me and my friends at a beach clean last summer
Hello friends.  It is April, which means spring is here (unless of course you are in Maine like me) and Earth Day is around the corner.  In some circles of the world, this has become a month-long celebration of the Earth and her inhabitants.  For me, it has become a time to re-evaluate the things that I am doing to help the world.  Am I living in a way that is sustainable and that lessens my impact to benefit the rest of the creatures that dwell here?  Am I living in a way that can be an example to others; inspiring them to do more in their lives?

In our egocentric, social media infused world we sometimes get so wrapped up in our microcosm that we forget how our way of living directly impacts a chain of other living organisms.  We have lived in this bubble so long that species are disappearing before they can be discovered and we are increasing in momentum in a manner that it seems nothing can stop us, rolling forward and demolishing all in the path of our consumer frenzy with disregard to the smoke and flames as we go forth. 

So, I say to you:  STOP!   Take a moment to reflect upon our Earth.  We all share it.  It is not divided by race or creed, gender identity or nationality.  Or even species.  We are all a part of it, not outside of it.  Meditate upon it.  Think about what you do every single day to make the world a little bit better.  It can be as small as recycling, forgoing meat one meal a day, trying to eliminate single use plastic, picking up trash when you go on a stroll.  It can be bigger; educating others at events, running a race to raise money for an organization, going vegan or giving up your car.  And it can be huge!  Start a non-profit, create an animal sanctuary, go on the high seas with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to save marine wildlife.  Small or gigantic, every little bit helps make a difference and we all can do a little bit more. 

I am happy to say I know of many amazing people and groups of people doing amazing things to try to put a dent in the problem:

My friend Erin helps run Lulu's Locker Rescue. This group focuses on black cats and dogs, senior animals and FIV positive cats.  These are the animals very tough to place in homes.

My friend Dave volunteers for HART. HART is run completely by volunteers and gives homeless cats safe refuge in Maine

There is an animal sanctuary in Maine called Peace Ridge Sanctuary. They provide a life-long home for animals once abused and neglected, with a focus on farm animals.  

My friend Maureen has a radio show called Animal Sounds Radio.  Her weekly radio show explores the human relationship with animals in many fabulous ways.

In the environmental sector, Portland Maine has many great groups as well.  I participate in curbside composting through Garbage to Garden, and have seen my waste go down tremendously! 

Portland Trails helps maintain a system of recreational trains for walkers, runners and bikers.  I'm glad they don't charge a toll, because I would be poor after all of the miles I've covered here!

As you well know, I am an onshore volunteer for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society,

And of course there are those organizations from a place I feel is a second home.  I have been to Aruba a number of times and fell madly in love with the donkeys at the Donkey Sanctuary Aruba

I recently learned of a newer organization that helps find homes for the dogs and cats that wander the island.  I look forward to going back and visiting Sgt Pepper's Friends!

So, now I am realizing I could go on all day with these examples and this isn't even touching upon the bigger groups or for-profit businesses changing the world with their dollars.  Please share with me some of your own favorites as well!

Finally, if you are local, join me for an Earth Day celebration April 23 at East End Beach in Portland.  At 8:00 we will have a Vegan Breakfast Potluck Picnic off of Cutter Street in Portland.  We will proceed along East End Beach and the trail and spring clean the area!  More information is on my Facebook page; For The Oceans. Portland's Urban Earth Day is later that day so it can be a day-long celebration!  We owe it to one another and to the Earth to try a bit harder today and every day to be aware of all of the life that surrounds us on the land and in the ocean.  Let us change the world, one heart at a time!

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